4th Sunday of Lent (April 3)
Reflection for Penitential Rite: We are children of the light, baptized into the glory that is Christ. And still we sometimes choose the darkness. We turn to the Light and ask for mercy.
Reflection for Penitential Rite: We are children of the light, baptized into the glory that is Christ. And still we sometimes choose the darkness. We turn to the Light and ask for mercy.
Liturgy of the Word:
1st Reading: In the first reading, a prophet anoints a new king for God’s people. This king has the spiritual strength to lead the people in faith.
2nd Reading: In the second reading, Paul reminds us that faith and baptism rescued us from the darkness of sin and introduced us into the light of Christ.
Gospel: In the Gospel, Jesus heals a man born blind, symbolizing that Jesus is the light of the world.
Reflection on the Readings: “Live as children of the light,” St. Paul tells the church at Ephesus in today’s second reading. He is writing to us as well. It is up to us not only to live in the light of Christ, but also to carry it into this darkened world of ours. We learned how to see when we were new to the world, but we are still learning how to improve our sight. We spend much time in darkness or spreading it, although we are called to live in the light of Christ.
Reflection for Offertory: That light has shone in our hearts since the day of our baptism. And Jesus continues to fuel it here and now in this meal he invites us to share with him.
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