Thursday study group for the Sunday readings
Four years
on and the Thursday group continues to gather faithfully each week at
our Duns Scotus Bible Centre. The course was originally initiated by
the Diocesan Liturgical Commission to prepare lectors to understand
and pray the Sunday readings. Eventually as the course continued into
its 2nd and 3rd years, many other people besides
lectors came to join in, including seminarians and priests.
The course
aims to explain the 1st and 2nd readings, its
thematic connections and spiritual message with each other and with
the gospel reading of the coming Sunday liturgy. More importantly, the
course studies the much neglected Responsorial Psalm and its role within
the biblical themes of that Sunday’s Liturgy of the Word. In so understanding
the readings and psalm, this course leads lectors to present and proclaim
God’s Word in a manner appropriate to the theme; and liturgical groups
can prepare appropriate hymns that carry these biblical themes throughout
the liturgy.
The course is held every Thursday evening at 7pm to 8pm and is held in Cantonese.